Whois database download of UK

We provides daily list of Newly Registered Domains of UK with whois information containing Phone number, email & address etc. for just $40/month.

.uk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. As of March 2012, it is the fourth most popular top-level domain worldwide (after .com, .de and .net), with over 10 million registrations.

We provide WHOIS data of Newly Registered Domains Database of UK as daily downloads. Each day you will receive newly registered whois database. Each record will contain all parsed fields of the domain's WHOIS information along with it's contact details (Domain Name, Registrar Name, Contact Email, Whois Server, NameServers, Standard Reg Created Date, Standard Reg Updated Date, Standard Reg Expires Date, Registrant Email, Registrant Name, Registrant Organization, Registrant Street1, Registrant Street2, Registrant Street3, Registrant Street4, Registrant City, Registrant State, Registrant PostalCode, Registrant Country, Registrant Fax, Registrant Fax, Ext, Registrant Telephone) of the domain owner, whenever available. You also get instant access to database of previous 30 days when you subscribe. Over Millions of domains are registered every month, and with our service you can get vast amounts of data updated daily! Subscribe today for just $40/month.

If you need a custom Domains Whois Data which is not listed in our Pricing, or you would prefer to have it in another file format, please Сontact us.


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